FBC offers the possibility to search 6,6 million objects in Polish cultural and scientific institutions in one place.

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How to use FBC?The main function of the FBC website is to search for resources from over 130 Polish cultural and scientific institutions, which contain structured and detailed descriptions of the digitized collections. You can search both in text and in music.
About FBC
What is FBC?
The Digital Libraries Federation is a search engine associating digital libraries, museums, archives and repositories. We cooperate with cultural and scientific institutions that create a network of distributed digital libraries ...
How to join FBC?
From the formal and organizational point of view, the cooperation of digital libraries and repositories with the FBC website is very simple. It does not require any fees, transfer of digital publications or additional work on the part of ...
The basic benefits of cooperation with the Federation of Digital Libraries include the promotion of digital collections and the transfer of data to external websites.
Europeana is a search engine for cultural and scientific institutions in Europe. The portal's mission is to promote the resources of Europe's cultural and scientific heritage. The search engine operates on the principles of a centralized network ...
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