The wonders of nature and art being an account of whatever is most curious and remarkable throughout the world : whether relating to its animals, vegetables, minerals, volcanoes, cataracts, hot and cold springs, and other parts of natural history or to the buildings, manufactures, inventions, and discoveries of its inhabitants : the whole collected from the writings of the best historians, travellers, geographers, and philosophers, among which are some original manuscipts, interspersed with pious observations and reflections, illustrated with notes, and adorned with copper-plates. Vol. 3.
Object's details: The wonders of nature and art being an account of whatever is most curious and remarkable throughout the world : whether relating to its animals, vegetables, minerals, volcanoes, cataracts, hot and cold springs, and other parts of natural history or to the buildings, manufactures, inventions, and discoveries of its inhabitants : the whole collected from the writings of the best historians, travellers, geographers, and philosophers, among which are some original manuscipts, interspersed with pious observations and reflections, illustrated with notes, and adorned with copper-plates. Vol. 3.