Object's details: Metallurgiæ Pyrotechnicae, Et Docimasiæ Metallicae Fundamenta, : Deo Benedicente, Rectore Magnificentissimo, Serenissimo Principe Ac Domino, Dn. Friderico Wilhelmo, Electorat. Brandenb. Herede E. R. : In Illustri Fridericiana Consensu Gratioso Facultatis Medicæ, Præside Viro Excellentissimo Atqve Experientissimo Dn. Georgio Ernesto Stahl, Med. Doct. Et Prof. Publ. h.t. Decano, Patrono, Præceptore Ac Promotore Suo, Pro Licentia Summos in Medicina Honores Et Privilegia Rite Conseqvendi

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